ASMR Towel Folding with Unintelligible Whisper

There are many ASMR triggers out there. You may be one of the more fortunate people if you can experience it with more than one trigger. One of the most popular is whispering. Many of my videos involve either inaudible or unintelligible whispering. The one below contains unintelligible whisper along with a small task of folding towels. 

Towel Folding is a favored ASMR stimuli. It is relaxing to watch someone do small tasks such as this. It is something that relieves stress and makes a body want to forget their troubles and fall fast asleep. 

Try watching the video below to see if it stimulates ASMR for you. It is my hope that you find it relaxing and enjoyable! 

Don't forget to head on over to YouTube and Subscribe to my channel! Or simply click here.  Love to you all! 
